前列腺癌. 了解你的风险.

About 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.

如果你 有, or suspect you 有, prostate cancer 康科德医院泌尿科护理中心's 前列腺和泌尿系统癌症项目 专家诊断、治疗是你的最佳选择吗 前列腺癌的处理. The Program's specialists combine the latest research 和 technology with their years of experience to offer access to all treatment options —surgical, medical 和 radiation oncology — plus the latest treatments through clinical trials.

What makes us different is that beyond all of the technology 和 research, we really work well as a group to make sure that from the minute a patient walks in until after their treatment, 他们不会感到失落.

Dr. 威廉·桑蒂斯项目医疗主管


Take the next step toward receiving expert treatment. 立即皇冠app.



  • 你是团队的核心. Our specialists work collaboratively to provide team-based, patient-centered care — working together to ensure you're informed 和 supported from your first appointment to after your treatment.
  • Your treatment is based on the best information 和 options. Our multidisciplinary team discusses every new cancer diagnosis as part of the Tumor Board — a formal group that reviews your options during 和 after treatment to adjust your treatment plans if needed. 
  • 有敬业的护士为你服务. 皇冠app的护士导航员会回答你的问题, eases your anxiety 和 evaluates your treatment options, as well as monitors developments after treatment to decrease your risk of complications. Our nurse practitioner focuses on quality of life issues that follow treatment, helping you cope with emotional or physical challenges, 包括尿失禁或性功能障碍.


Despite advances in treating 和 curing prostate cancer, the disease recurs 和 spreads in some men. 现在, Concord Hospital offers the latest technique for detecting the disease for those patients — a technique typically only available at major urban medical centers.

皇冠app有CAT扫描和骨扫描, 哪些仍然是护理标准, 但皇冠app现在有了更好的东西.

Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky



In July of 2017, 约瑟夫Pawlowski of Webster made local medical history.

Joe was the first patient at 康科德医院泌尿科护理中心 to undergo a groundbreaking procedure that is helping save prostate cancer patients.




前列腺Pal,由Dr. 罗纳德·狂吠, is free smartphone applications available via iTunes that helps patients monitor common prostate problems. 

The app empowers patients to keep track of symptoms 和 when they see their doctors, the information allows the practitioner to get a quick snapshot of the patients’ urological health. 

Dr. 罗纳德·狂吠


In 2017, 康科德医院泌尿科护理中心 became the first in New Hampshire to use a new technique that more accurately diagnoses prostate cancer, saving lives 和 preventing patients from undergoing unnecessary prostate biopsies.


Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men 和 the second leading cause of cancer death among men in New Hampshire*. Each year, the Center for Urologic Care conducts an average of 300 prostate biopsies. In 2016, before 融合活组织检查 began, less than half, discovered prostate cancer. Urologists recognize that the traditional biopsy method exposes too many men to needless biopsies 和 often misses small cancers.

新技术, 融合活组织检查, 保险丝, 或匹配, ultrasound imaging 和 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to provide a vivid ‘live’ view of potential tumors, enabling doctors to precisely target biopsies — increasing the rate of finding significant cancers by 30 percent.

在泌尿科护理中心(Center for urology Care). 威廉·桑蒂斯传统地说, a biopsy might be ordered to obtain prostate tissue samples from men with abnormal prostate exams or elevated PSA blood levels. 前列腺特异性抗原, 或PSA, levels often are elevated in men with prostate cancer but can be elevated for other, 发生的原因. 传统的活组织检查, doctors guided by live ultrasound images obtain samples from different regions of the prostate, 没有具体的目标. 检查结果提示做核磁共振检查的病人, targets are identified by previously obtained MRI images, which doctors study before using live ultrasound images to guide a probe to those general areas.

Fusion biopsy 保险丝 the MRI images with live ultrasound imaging to guide the biopsy needle to very specific targets. The MRI images essentially come alive 和 match the movements of the ultrasound device. Dr. Santis said because they are more useful than traditional untargeted biopsies, MRIs that can precisely identify potential tumors soon may become the st和ard for men with elevated PSA levels. The routine use of MRI 和 other blood tests to follow up elevated PSA levels also may allow up to 20 percent of men with an elevated PSA to avoid biopsies. For men who need a biopsy to confirm or rule out cancer, he believes the bulk of biopsies soon may be performed with the fusion technique.

康科德医院泌尿科护理中心 performs approximately 30-40 prostate MRIs per month. 自2017年加入融合活检技术以来,Dr. 桑蒂斯博士和他的同事. Amichai Kilchevsky 和 Robert Mitchell have performed over 200 fusion biopsies.



Dr. 基尔切夫斯基非常友好,知识渊博. He explains everything clearly, provides options, but leaves the decision up to me.

Dr. Mitchell is an excellent physician; he is knowledgeable, professional, 和 helpful. 这对我来说是一次非常积极的经历.